
Many ideas both of whimsical nature and solemn import bounce about within the confines of my head, neurons and ganglia jangling away in their sometimes vague and indecipherable, yet determined way. Et voilà! Thoughts, lots of them emerging every moment, in haste and clamor to be heard and expressed. This word-centric website is born of their irrepressible nature, for better or worse; and if they find a tolerant, bemused audience apart from their birthplace, so much the better.

Whether or not you have visited here previously, a shortcut to a brief list of what has been added most recently can be located by selecting the Recent Posts link either here, or to your right, or closer to the bottom of the page if you are viewing on a smaller screen.

Predictably, some conflict engendered by my ruminations may be unavoidable, yet the intention is merely to answer the muse, and maybe some of you as well, should you care to offer your own (politely!) coherent diatribes and insights. Abraham Lincoln is reported to have averred, “It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak up and remove all doubt.”  Prescient words, make no mistake, and a timely important warning to the writer of these thoughts. Yet I maintain a satisfyingly sanguine speculation that some of what spills across these pages may provoke honest discussion and deeper thought. And who knows, from time to time, perhaps some amusement and entertainment as well.

